If you or a loved one were injured at work, you may have legal recourse available to you. Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that is set up specifically to help provide benefits directly after an on-the-job accident, and these funds can help bridge the gap for an injured person before they are able to return to work.
The benefits include payments for the time that an injured worker may be written out of work, 100% payment of injury related medical expenses, costs of transportation, and compensation for the degree of permanent impairment that an injured may have after reaching maximum medical improvement.
However, workers’ compensation can be difficult to obtain and many people are denied.
At Guest & Brady, our seasoned worker’s comp lawyers in Greenville, SC, have both the knowledge and experience to help you get your compensation quickly so that you can quit worrying and begin to concentrate on getting well.

How to Apply for Workers’ Compensation
An employer is supposed to contact the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission on your behalf after you fill out a formal accident report. Completing the formal accident report correctly and in a timely fashion is one of the most important aspects of filing a workers’ compensation claim. It is critical that you notify your employer of the accident and formally report it to the Commission as soon as possible.
Why Are Some People Denied Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is denied for many reasons. For example, if your initial medical exam does not match up to the original accident report, or you tested positive for drugs or alcohol at the hospital directly after the accident, your claim may be denied. For many people who need workers’ compensation benefits to absorb some or all of the costs of the accident, being denied can be devastating. Fortunately, even if you are denied benefits, you do have legal options available to you with the help of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.
What to Do Next
If you or a family member were injured at work, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Even if you have not yet been denied, a lawyer can help you fill out your accident report accurately and submit it on time. If you have been denied benefits, your attorney can assist you in appealing your case to the proper courts, multiple times if necessary. With the help of a South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyer, you can increase the chances that you will be approved for the benefits you need to move forward after a work related accident.
Contact Guest & Brady Today
Don’t wait to get the legal help you need after being hurt on the job. You have rights under South Carolina law and an attorney can help you better understand and advocate for those rights. Guest & Brady is a team of seasoned South Carolina workers’ compensation attorneys who are dedicated to assisting clients with the arduous task of applying and being approved for workers’ compensation.
Call our worker’s comp lawyers in Greenville, SC today at 864.233.7200, or submit the Free Case Evaluation form on this page. View our workers’ compensation case studies or get some answers from our workers compensation frequently asked questions.