Head and brain injuries are one of the most frequently seen types of injury in any accident, including motor vehicle accidents, bicycle and motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, workplace incidents, and slip and falls. Traumatic brain injuries range from mild to severe, and they don’t always show symptoms right away. Here are 5 traumatic brain injury symptoms to watch out for if you or a loved one have been involved in any kind of accident.
1. Headaches
Headaches are a primary symptom of a mild brain injury. Don’t assume that if you haven’t lost consciousness at all that your brain hasn’t been traumatized from the accident. If you begin having mild to severe headaches, especially if they are not relieved by conventional over the counter painkillers, it’s important to seek medical assistance.
2. Nausea and/or Vomiting
Another major sign that a brain injury has occurred is nausea or vomiting. You may only experience mild nausea or a round or two of vomiting, and it’s easy to mistake for the flu or food poisoning. However, if you’ve just been involved in some type of accident, it may be more likely that the nausea and/or vomiting is being caused by a brain injury and you need to get checked out.
3. Mood Changes
Often, a mild to moderate brain injury will cause changes in mood or behavior. If you suddenly become more anxious, irritable, or depressed following an accident, don’t automatically assume it’s something unrelated or a normal emotional change following the trauma of being in an accident. It could be a signal that your brain was injured and you need prompt medical care.
4. Sleeping Problems
If you feel excessively tired throughout the day when you normally did not before the accident, or you suddenly have changes in your sleeping patterns (including having difficulty sleeping or sleeping more often than usual), this could indicate that you are suffering from a mild to moderate brain injury, such as a concussion.
5. Difficulty Concentrating
Many people suffer from changes in their concentration level after a mild or moderate traumatic brain injury. If you find it challenging to maintain concentration after being involved in a car accident, a work incident, or any other type of accident, it’s important that you visit a medical professional as soon as possible for an evaluation.
Consider Being Checked Immediately After the Accident
If you’ve been involved in an accident that was minor and you are not transported to the hospital, consider going anyways. Brain injuries that remain undiagnosed can become more severe and even life threatening. When you go to the hospital, you’ll be thoroughly checked for a brain injury with a variety of tests, including x-rays and CT scans. If you receive a clean bill of health, you’ll have peace of mind. If you were injured, you can begin treatment as soon as possible.
To learn more about traumatic brain injury symptoms and what to do after you or a loved one were injured, contact Guest & Brady today for information. Our experienced traumatic brain injury attorneys can provide you with the emotional and legal support you need through this difficult time. Call us now at (864) 233-7200.